In order to access Typing Tournament Online, you’ll first need to register an EdAlive Central Account for either Home or School use.
The user-friendly management system at is the core of the EdAlive Central suite of websites(Web Apps) and provides a unified interface for administering Classes, User Accounts, Subscriptions and other shared data across all of the Web Apps.
To find the EdAlive Central School Use Guide go to and scroll to the bottom of the screen.
Go to the Getting Started section of the EdAlive Central School Use Guide PDF and follow the instructions to establish your account, link your school, set-up your class and add students.
To find the EdAlive Central Home Use Guide go to and scroll to the bottom of the screen.
Go to the Getting Started section of the EdAlive Central Home Use PDF and follow the instructions to establish your account and create accounts for your family.
Once you have set up your account for home or school you are ready to start using any of the chosen EdAlive Central Web App for which you have an active subscription or a free trial.
To get the most from each EdAlive Central Web App we recommend that you consult the relevant EdAlive Central Web App Guide. To find the Guides go to and scroll to the bottom of the screen.