EdAlive Central (Schools) - System Requirements

EdAlive Central (Schools) - System Requirements

Any device, anywhere, anytime

  1. All  EdAlive Central Web Apps  work on any device including Windows PCs, Apple Macs, Surface Tablets, iPads, Chromebooks and other Android tablets.
  2. Unlimited Access 24/7 wherever there is an Internet connection.
  3. No need for the installation of an App as it is fully web delivered.

Supported Browsers

Use the latest version of any of the following HTML 5 compatible browsers including:

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Android Browser
  • Safari version 13+ (iOS & OSX)
  • Internet Explorer version 11+ – Ensure that any customised security settings do not block script access or local storage access.

Browser Settings

  • JavaScript enabled
  • Cookies enabled
  • Local Storage enabled
  • Private / Incognito Browsing disabled

Common Troubleshooting

Delivery of content is being blocked by the school system

  • The most common cause of connection issues is that the school network is blocking content from either central.edalive.com or cdn.central.edalive. Please ensure that both sub-domains are whitelisted along with the application’s www. and cdn. sub-domains.

Internet Explorer security settings

  • If using Internet Explorer – Ensure that any customised security settings are not blocking script access or local storage access. This can sometimes be resolved by:

Browser issues

  • Ensure the browser is not in Private or Incognito mode.
  • Empty the browser cache and then try reloading the web page.

Last resort

  • Try using the Google Chrome web browser if all else fails.
  • If you are still unable to connect, please check the “Console” and Network” tabs available under the Developer Tools of most browsers and send screenshots of any displayed errors to support@edalive.com .

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