EdAlive Central (Schools) - Student IDs
Why you should use Student IDs
work within to uniquely identify so that the import features may be used. The system will work without however they are designed to automate many functions particularly, in regard to the rollover of from one year to another. Without the implementation of will need to be manually rolled over each year by or who will need to individually edit each details.
We strongly recommend that School IDs are included from the initial creation of Student Accounts. This will greatly simplify School and Class administration functions including the annual end of year rollover of classes
How Student IDs and Student Accounts interact
work to uniquely identify and correctly link them to their corresponding account so that their details may be updated through one of the import functions. This allows a to change details such as their F, or whilst maintaining a constant unchangeable field that can be used to match the record with the student’s details contained in the import file. Whether a details are changed intentionally or accidentally their progress will remain intact and any details that are changed can be reverted back.
Student ID Import Checklist
- All in the must have unique
- We urge to use an identification system that is already in place. Good examples of these would be the school assigned student IDs used in the everyday function of the school or government issued IDs. Choosing an identification system that is already in place maintains continuity when leave and is recognisable to teachers who may wish to use the function.
- We ask that you refrain from recycling old or using systems that make it too easy to accidentally replicate e.g. a name-initial combination. This will minimise the possibility of errors developing in your within and reduce the chance of loosing the progress data from their records.
- S must be alphanumeric and less than 64 characters in length.
- All to be updated or modified through an import must have their prior to import.
Manually adding Student IDs

Importing Student IDs
New Student Accounts that are created as a result of an import using the SMART Tool that contains Student IDs will have these Student IDs attached to them. For instructions see the respective SMART Tool entries.
How Student IDs operate in practice
- Once entered the is only visible within the by the Class and any with status. They cannot be viewed by third parties including other within the but not assigned to the .
- If a S has an existing , then that must be used for the duration of that unless it is manually changed on the screen.
- The cannot be updated via a import or a import. If a attempts to do this, the corresponding imported record will not match the existing belonging to the and a new will be created.
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