EdAlive Central (Schools) - Manage Classes (Teachers)

EdAlive Central (Schools) - Manage Classes (Teachers)

Create your first Class

After you have created your Teacher account and linked it to your School you arrive at the App Library screen. To create your first Class select the School Management tile and then follow the steps below.

My Classes Screen

Access to the My Classes screen varies.

From the App Library

Choose School Management.

From Tools & Reports from within an App

Select My Classes from the Menu Bar

NB Teachers may only manage Classes created by themselves or allocated to them by a School Administrator. A Teacher who has been assigned to a Class can see the names of other Teachers assigned to the Class but are unable to add or remove other Teachers from the Class.

View Class

  1. Go to the My Classes screen.
  2. Select the Class to view.
  3. Click the View Class button.

For more details regarding the Class screen see the Manage Students entry.

Add Class

  1. Go to the My Classes screen.
  2. Click the Add Class button.
  3. In the New Class dialogue enter the name of your Class and then select the Year Level.
  4. Click OK.

Edit Class details

  1. Go to the My Classes screen.
  2. Select the Class to edit.
  3. Click the Edit Class Details button.
  4. Edit the details and Click OK.

Quick edit Class name

  1. Go to the My Classes screen.
  2. Double click the name of the Class.
  3. Type the new name of the Class.
  4. Press Enter or click outside the box to save the change.

Leave Class

  1. Go to the My Classes screen.
  2. Select the Class to leave.
  3. Click the Leave Class button.

If you leave a Class the other Teachers still attached to that Class will be able to continue to work with that Class. To Delete a Class completely see one of the School Administrators.

If you are the last Teacher to leave a Class the Class still exists within EdAlive Central. School Administrators are able to assign fresh Teachers to this and any Class.

Other Assigned (Multiple) Teachers

There is no limit to the number of Teachers who can be assigned to a Class. The function of assigning and removing Teachers from a Class can only be performed by a School Administrator.

NB It is the responsibility of School Administrators and Teachers to manage the privacy and security implications of Teacher access. Care must be taken to ensure that only duly authorised persons have access to appropriate Classes.

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