Baggin’ the Dragon can be played by a student on their own or in a group. It is easy to start, join or host a game. The system automatically does all of the hard work for teachers and parents. It concurrently manages the gameplay, recalculates the options for each player and automatically delivers maths optimised for each student and then reports on Questions completed.
To get started students click on the Baggin’ the Dragon button on the Home Screen and select either the Basic or the Advanced Game.
To play Baggin’ the Dragon students must race each other to collect the Courage Swords from around the Game Board. To succeed players must develop and constantly re-evaluate their strategy as other players make their moves.
Each Player has a Status Indicator that tracks their status throughout the game.
The 8 game-boards create ongoing challenges that continuously engage players. The Advanced Game Boards have more complex gameplay with multiple pathways, challenge squares and shops.
The Advanced Game Boards feature the Gadget Shop.
Between each round of gameplay students must answer a Question as determined by the EdAlive Adaptive Learning System.
For details of the operation of the Adaptive Learning System see the relevant section of this publication.
After the last game round, Baggin’ the Dragon allocates point credits for the winners of a range of criteria. All the points are then tallied and a winner declared.
A Results Summary Screen is then displayed.